Nicaragua Max Palacios Carbonic Maceration


Roses, candied apple, cherries

Charakteristics: Tea-like, floral

Farm: Santa Adela

Owner: Gold Mountain Coffee Growers

Region: Jinotega

Elevation: 1238 m

Variety: Red Catuaí

Processing: Carbonic maceration

SCA score: 87

Importer: V-Hub

Maximino and his wife Marlene are perfectionists who own a medium-sized farm in Jinotega called Santa Adela. Their pickings each day seem to be even more perfectly-ripe than the perfect pickingd from the day before, which is why Gold Mountain Coffee Growers' stff found their coffee an excellent candidate for carbonic maceration.

Their cherries for this lot are picked all morning and then journey two to three hours throug mountains to Finca Idealista, where they are double-fermented in an anaerobic environment as whole cherries. Staff take Brix refractometer and pH readinfs many times each day so that the level of fermentation and pH allow clean fruit notes to abound in the final cup--but none of these notes would be possible without ther perfectionist-level of picking.

Collections: Filter, Natural Processing, Specialty Coffee

Category: Filter, Suché / Natural

Type: Káva