Colombia Villa Pastora Natural

Orange preserve, red grapes, flower honey
Characteristics: Sweet, fruity
Owner: Julieth Mora Ortega
Region: Palestina Huila
Elevation: 1730 m
Varietal: Orange Bourbon
Farm area: 10 ha
Other varietals: Typica, Orange Bourbon, Pink Bourbon, Colombia
SCA score: 89
Processing: Natural
Importer: Latorre & Dutch

Villa Pastora is located in the municipality of Palestina Huila. Villa Pastora was born in the 80s when it was acquired by my grandmother Pastora, who was in charge of it until 2002. She was the first person to plant Typica coffee trees on her farm, from that moment on, the coffee roots grew on her family. Today her sons and grandchildren inherited the farm and are the second and third generation of coffee growers.

As Julieth says: "My parents and siblings have focused for several years on the production of high quality differentiated coffees, we want the world to know the effort and dedication that is required to have a high quality coffee on the table of a good client."

Collections: Filter, Natural Processing, Specialty Coffee

Category: Filter, Suché / Natural

Type: Káva